Did You Know...

94% of your market hates your website unless...
Find out the other 5 here!

Did You Know...

94% of your market hates your site unless...

you’ve included these 8 things

1. Leverage the most optimal space

2. Your site must be compatible with mobile devices

3. Prioritize scrolling over clicking


Find out the other 5 here!

“Can You Afford To Continue To Lose Web Traffic?”

“Are You The Dreaded Seven Second Specialist?”

WordPress Developer | Infusionsoft Consultant | Memberium Designer

It’s Your First Impression

The old days of window shopping with our feet are basically over. Now people window shop with their keyboards. The core of any company’s online presence is its website.

You know that old adage “You only have 10 seconds to make a first impression?” With your website you only have 7 seconds!

Good design is more than just pretty pictures.
Good design solves problems, achieves results, and communicates a message effectively.

Neil Patel

 Improve Exposure

I want you to think about when you are considering doing business with someone. What do you do first? Do you call  or email? NO! The first thing any person does in this new digital age is search for that company’s website.

 Increase Revenue

When you go to a website that looks outdated and unloved, what do you think? Do you look past it and think “I still want to do business with this company.” or do you instead think “My 8-year old can build a better site!” and move on?

Accelerate Growth

Think about this? 

You open your email this morning and realize your website sent you a new lead. Or – it attracted a new customer, convinced them to buy, handled the transaction and sent out a thank you—ALL while you were sleeping, working out, or hanging out at the beach with your family!

Here’s What People Have Said About Working With Us

(Just Take A Look At Some of The Sites We’ve Worked On Too…)

Your services are speedy, done with integrity and skill, AND you understand what I want.

-Dr Mitchell Cohn, America’s Pain Detective

Truly love the University of Amy!!!!!

-Cindy Beata, Tec360

OMG! I need your address so I can send you flowers! I am head over heels excited. Love it all..... I love your talent!!

-Melanie Davis, UseYourPLR

The 8 Crucial Things A Website Needs in 2019

Leverage Best Space On Your Site

Scrolling Is Better Than Clicking


Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile Device Friendly

Direct Attention with Visual Cues


Decide On Your SEO Strategy


Use Social Proof to Show You Have Fans


Simplify Where You Can (KISS)

Think Navigation and Organization

Your website’s conversion rate could increase by 200 to 400% with a well-designed interface? – Forrester

88% of online visitors/consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience.

Our Approach to Website Design

Hi. My name is Amy Bair. I have been a freelance WordPress designer since 2011.
Our philosophy: We Choose Ease!

In other words, why reinvent the wheel simply for the sake of reinventing it?!?

For example, we provide WordPress developer services because WordPress is one of the easiest, most reliable and most powerful website creation tools on the market.

It is very user-friendly and you, the client, will be able to make changes to the content easily and quickly anytime you wish without having to call your web designer for every little change.

We then utilize pre-built Professional Themes in all of our websites. Did you know website theme designers spend hours and hours designing themes hoping people like you will pick their lovingly made creation?

They don’t cost very much-not in comparison to what you would be charged if you wanted your website custom built.

So, we like to choose existing themes and make customizations to those. This gets your site up faster, with less money, creating a ROI quicker AND, spreads the wealth! Your site will also be Responsive which means it can easily be viewed from a tablet or mobile device.


WordPress Website Design Services

We build all of our websites in WordPress as it is one of the easiest website creation tools on the market and is incredibly powerful. It is very user-friendly and you, the client, will be able to make changes to the content easily and quickly anytime you wish without having to call your web designer for every little change.

Membership Website Development

Do you want to build a membership website? With the Memberium plugin, you can do that! We will help you build a beautiful, functional and engaging membership website that will keep your members coming back over and over again!

WordPress Support and Maintenance

PEACE OF MIND! Do not worry about your website ever again. Our monthly service can ensure your website is protected with the latest updates and receives regular backups. We can provide site monitoring, security and protection against hackers.

We also track website analytics and provide you with a regular report summarizing activity such as who is on your website, what devices are being used to access your site (i.e. computer, phone or tablet) and which pages are visited most often.



solutions [@] ehemisphere.com


PO Box 288 Trenton, KY 42286

Learn To Build Your Own Website

"Truly love the University of Amy!"
-Cindy Beata Tec360